Wednesday, February 20, 2008



Waiting for something
waiting for some things
I hate waiting
desire paths would
wear down the wood

A little woop woop monkey
sticks his hand inside a box
a nut, mealy on the tongue
imagined umami bits
pull it through no
fist, nut-filled, can't fit
back through the hole
fading fist over fate
silly monkey, let go

Meanwhile, a chain
makes a necklace
sometimes a blow torch
or a miniature saw
trumps a walnut
sometimes waiting
turns into circumstance
think of everything
to do in a span of it
think of Oulipo
French tricks to release,
limits for generations
tie down my leg
watch me slither
into what was
previously ignored

Clutch me, monkey
I want my arms around you
little prehensile fingers
squeezing mine.

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